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The worst gift ideas:
Giving someone fruit may seem like a good idea but if it is not given quickly, the gift goes bad quickly. If the receiver of the gift does not eat it quickly, it goes bad quickly.
Picture Frames
When was the last time someone gave a picture frame that actually looked good. The last seven picture frames I received were so ugly that I didn't even pass them on as gifts. I threw them out. I know many people who have gone through exactly as I have.
Buying someone a pet is only good if you KNOW the person who wants a pet AND they can ACTUALLY have one at this time in their life. Otherwise you are giving someone more problems in the long run than they need to have.
Furniture, like a few other items in this category, is so personal that it would almost always be a bad choice. The only time it is good is if it is for a young adult going off to college.
Small Gift Certificate
The title here should say it all. "Small" gift certificate. If you give anyone a gift certificate for $10, you are teasing them (for practically any store). I would go so far as to say even $15 is too small. Example; you are buying a gift certificate for Best Buy. Think about what they have for sale that is under $20. Now you get the picture.
Candy is not only very personal in terms of people's taste but it also can go bad or just be bad candy, unless you know what they like and it will stay good for a while.
This is very personal for most women and thus a bad choice.
Same as above. Very personal and not a good choice of gift.
I can't tell you how many people I know that have been given a scarf for the Holidays. What happens to it? It disappears into a closet or container never to be seen again. I have about 20 scarfs. I don't know where they are and I don't care.
Wow. This says boring in such a big way that you really have to think about whether you are insulting someone or not by giving them this. Unless the person is a big writer (by hand - which most people are not anymore) AND the pen fits their hand comfortably AND it looks good .... then maybe it's a good "temporary gift". Why do I say temporary? How many people do you know that actually go out to refill a pen? No one. I actually have a few of these gifts? Where it is, I don't know but if I find it .... it's going into the garbage.

When you are buying someone a gift, you should just remember a few things:

  • Is this gift going to be memorable?
  • Is this gift something they can REALLY use?
  • Will this gift make them happy and smile?

All you have to do is have two out of three and you're doing just fine.




We have some great gift ideas for anyone. We have free gift ideas, unusual gift ideas to stand out, and very cool ideas as well. Don't make the mistake of buying something that won't be remembered or something that will be thrown out. Make the right decision and buy something great without spending too much money.


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