100GiftIDeas.com is produced by 543Networks. This is an information portal and should be used as a tool to help you, the consumer with help and guidance with your shopping and gift needs. 100GiftIdeas.com is NOT a shopping center or a shopping online store. This web site is merely a palace to get useful information.
We encourage you to read our privacy notice as it should remind you and inform you that we do not collect information about you or any person that visits our web site. This should be a positive and great help in providing information for you to help you decide which or what kind of gifts you would like to purchase for your friends and family.
If you take a look around on the Internet, you will notice that almost ALL of the web sites that have been created with the name or similar type of name including the word "idea" actually do not offer any written, text, words, or content regarding ideas. They offer products as content and that is it. They show you what you can buy but no advice. Many of the products they show you are "click through" advertising. We actually have some of that as well BUT we focus on the advice. We give you written help, words, guide, information, and more. We are here to help first and then if you click though to any advertising here... great. But our first and main concern is to HELP you. We are here to help YOU. And that is our main focus. Everything else comes second.